AIONYX is NetTimeLogic's answer to all the development boards out there. Not only is it extremely modular and allows to configure your system as you require it, it also is easily extendable by new modules providing ever new features and possibilities.

Since we are focusing on synchronization, network redundancy and time sensitive networking applications we initially created a set of modules matching the needs of these applications.

AIONYX is the reference platform for our IP cores for Evaluation.

But it doesn't stop there, we took it one step further and use it together with our IP cores to create complete synchronization and networking System-Level Products called AIONYX Hive.

Check out our Shop for all available AIONYX Modules, Boards and Product Configurations => click here

AIONYX Configurations

Possible configurations

AIONYX Pmod™ Modules

This is a small collection of the low speed, low pin count Peripheral Modules (Pmod™, trademark of Digilent) currently available

All Pmod™ modules are compatible with the Pmod Interface Type 1A (Expanded GPIO) according to the Digilent Pmod™ Interface Specification.


Pmod™ compatible GNSS Receiver providing a Pulse Per Second (PPS) and Time of Day (TOD) via a TTL UART.

u-blox NEO-M9N is accessible via TTL UART, I2C or a dedicated USB port

PmGnssUblox_Datasheet.pdf PmGnssUblox_Datasheet.pdf
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Pmod™ compatible Real Time Clock (RTC) which can be battery backed and provides Date and Time after a power cycle

Additional high precision Oscillator from SiTime (Oscillator board is also exchangeable) SMA connection to provide an external Clock or PPS

Oscillator and RTC is accessible via I2C

PmClkRtc_Datasheet.pdf PmClkRtc_Datasheet.pdf
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Pmod™ compatible 6-Channel General-purpose Inputs and Outputs (GPIO). Direction can be set via Dipswitches.

Additionaly it is also a Level Shifter to/from a Voltage that can be provided from external or the internal 3.3V.

PmGpio_Datasheet.pdf PmGpio_Datasheet.pdf
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Pmod™ compatible 2-Channel General-purpose Inputs and Outputs (GPIO) on SMA. Direction can be set via Dipswitches. Additional 6 GPIOs and reference Voltage is available on a pinheader

PmGpioSma_Datasheet.pdf PmGpioSma_Datasheet.pdf
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Type : pdf


Pmod™ compatible Fiber-Optic general-purpose Output.

Allows signals from DC and 50MBaud, can be used to transmit optical PPS, IRIG, TOD etc.

PmGpioFo_Datasheet.pdf PmGpioFo_Datasheet.pdf
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Pmod™ compatible Fiber-Optic general-purpose Input.

Allows signals from DC and 50MBaud, can be used to receive optical PPS, IRIG, TOD etc.

PmGpioFi_Datasheet.pdf PmGpioFi_Datasheet.pdf
Size : 232.143 Kb
Type : pdf

PM AD9544

Pmod™ compatible Digital PLL and Filter with AD9544. Two reference signals for alignment and reference clock from the PMOD, 2 Clocks to PMOD, 2 Clocks to SMA.

The AD9544 is configurable via I2C.The AD9455 is c


Pmod™ compatible GNSS Receiver providing a Pulse Per Second (PPS) and Time of Day (TOD) via a TTL UART.

Furuno GT88 is accessible via TTL UART or a dedicated USB port.

PmodGnssFurunoGt88_Datasheet.pdf PmodGnssFurunoGt88_Datasheet.pdf
Size : 331.088 Kb
Type : pdf

Pm GNSS ComNav K801

Pmod™ compatible GNSS Receiver providing a Pulse Per Second (PPS) and Time of Day (TOD) via a TTL UART.

ComNav SinoGNSS K801 is accessible via TTL UART or a dedicated USB port.

PmGnssComNavK801_Datasheet.pdf PmGnssComNavK801_Datasheet.pdf
Size : 268.633 Kb
Type : pdf


Pmod™ compatible Ethernet 100Mbit PHY with RJ45 .

The interface to the PHY is RMII .The AD9455 is c

PmEth_Datasheet.pdf PmEth_Datasheet.pdf
Size : 262.661 Kb
Type : pdf


Pmod™ compatible raw GPIO module provides directly the Pmod IO pins with protection diodes and series resistors to the connector.e AD94


Pmod™ compatible extender module provides an AIONYX platform compatible Pmod connector. In addition the module contains protection diodes and series resistors.A

PM Adapter

Pmod™ Adapter to connect Pmod™ compatible modules to the Main Board.

It is Pmod™ compatible which also means third party Pmod™ comaptible modules can be connected.

More Pmod™ modules to come:

  • PM ADC
  • PM DAC
  • PM RJ45 (for TOD not Ethernet)
  • PM GPIO High Range
  • ...

Contact us if you have some great idea for an interface or the need for a specific module!

AIONYX Zmod™ Modules

This is our first high speed, high pin count Peripheral Modules (Zmod™ compatible, trademark of Digilent) currently available

ZM ETH 1000 RJ45

Zmod™ compatible 2 * 10/100/1000 PHY with RJ45 connection and SyncE support.

2 *RGMII interface on Zmod™ compatible connector

More Zmod™ modules to come:

  • ZM ETH 1000 SFP (coming soon)
  • ZM ETH 10 SPE
  • ZM ETH 100 SPE
  • ZM ETH 1000 SPE
  • ...

Contact us if you have some great idea for an interface or the need for a specific module!

AIONYX Power Supply

This is the current Power Supply option. There will be different version with different Input Voltage range.

PWR DC 9-36V 60W

60 Watts Power Supply proving 1.8V, 3.3V and 5V from 9-36V DC

More Power Supplies to come:

  • PWR DC 18-75V 60W
  • PWR DC 9-75 100W (as Backplane Extension Card)

For now, no AC Power Supplies are planed, if you have the need for it get in contact with us.

AIONYX Main Board

Base Board for the AMD KRIA K26 SoM (4xA53 and 2xR5 ARM CPUs plus FPGA) which will interconnect the Power Supply, all Pmod™ and Zmod™ compatible interfaces with the SoM. Additionally, there is a 10/100/1000Mbit PHY and an USB UART to connect to the CPU and FPGA, and an SD-Card slot to boot from. Optionally there are more extension connectors for future extensions.

Other Modules

Since this is a very modular System there will be also other modules.

  • Double Pmod™ compatible Extension for LED Matrix

Other modules to come:

  • HMI with Color Display, VGA resolution and Keypad
  • Backplane for additional 2, 4, 6 or 8 Extension Cards
  • Pmod™ compatible Backplane Extension Card
  • Zmod™ compatibleBackplane Extension Card
  • ...

Product Configurations

You can also combine our AIONYX Modules and Boards with our IP-Cores, all nicely packed in an enclosure to get a full Product tailored exactly to your needs: We call these System-Level Products AIONYX Hive.

read more



Order Now!

Check out our Shop for the available modules or contact us if you would like to pre-order some modules or have a specific need for a not-yet existing module.