
 We offer tools that can be used to interact or configure our IP cores.

The tools are free of charge and come with the IPs (PTP Tap only with a PTP IP and PPS Analyzer can be borrowed).

Universal Configuration Manager (UCM)

NetTimeLogic provides a complete configuration solution that allows to configure and manage all IP cores from NetTimeLogic in an FPGA. It uses a serial interface (mostly over USB) to access the registers in the FPGA. In the FPGA it uses NetTimeLogic's configuration IP (free of charge) which represents an AXI Master to the other IP cores. It uses a proprietary protocol to convert the serial data stream from/to AXI register access. The tool needs no configuration and self-discovers all cores available in the design. It allows to access all registers in the design (also third party) which are connected to the AXI bus.

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NetTimeLogic provides a solution to monitor and analyze a single PTP path. The PTP Tap intercepts a link with minimal intrusion and forwards PTP frames from both sides to an uplink. In addition it adds a VSS monitoring trailer (with timestamp) to the merged frames, which allows to analyze the precise timely behavior.

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PPS Analyzer

NetTimeLogic provides a PPS analyzer specifically for (PTP) Plugfests where multiple devices are synchronizing each other and the accuracy of the individual devices shall be measured via PPS (offset from reference PPS). The device has 8 PPS inputs that are measured simultaneously and it synchronizes itself to an additional reference PPS input. The accuracy in nanoseconds is shown in a graph in a host application

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TSN Analyzer

NetTimeLogic provides a TSN analyzer for timely analysis of frames for demonstration and debugging of TSN networks. It just needs a normal Ethernet port to do the analysis. It supports software and hardware timestamping for the timely occurance of frames. It has support for three different traffic clases and each traffic class is shown as individual graph.

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